Corporate Wellness Program

As employers recognize the benefits of investing in the health their employees, corporate health wellness programs are increasing in popularity. A focus on corporate wellness can be extremely beneficial for both your business and your employees.
Medical professional speaking to a patient
Lost XX Pounds
Real Patient
Mandy M.

Invest in your company’s wellness

  • Enhance recruitment and increase retention
  • Up to 30% reduction in workers’ compensation and disability claims
  • Up to 32% reduction in short-term sick leave
  • $3-$6 savings for every $1 invested in corporate wellness
  • Up to 55% reduction in healthcare costs
Our Corporate Wellness Partners have access to:
Learn more about our corporate employee wellness program by scheduling a FREE Worksite Wellness Workshop.

Weight loss success stories

You’ll be inspired by these real-life testimonials from patients who have successfully achieved their weight loss goals with our proven programs and support.

Patrice – Lost 30 Pounds!

I was fed up and willing to do anything to change the way I looked and felt. So I joined the Medi-Weightloss Program and committed to doing exactly what the staff told me to do…

Marie – Lost 45 Pounds!

Prior to my journey at Medi-Weightloss, I gave birth at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. At that time, I gained about 60 pounds during my pregnancy weighing in at 184 pounds…

John – Lost 49 Pounds!

Eighteen years ago, I bulked up to a very solid 235 pounds while playing sports, but as the years went by, it seemed gravity pulled harder. My confidence dwindled, and I was horrified when a camera was pointed…

GLP-1 weight loss medications

Medi-Weightloss providers prescribe the entire range of weight loss medications, including the latest GLP-1 and semaglutide innovations.

Vitamin & Nutrition Injections

Many Medi-Weightloss locations offer vitamin and nutrient injections that are specially formulated to support overall health and wellness.